It was a wild week for the market and a grueling one for
me. Let us start by reviewing from the
last post:
“Readers know that I
am leaning bearish. As a bear, when I see that everyone around is agreeing with
me, it scares the day light out of me. If everyone agrees and everyone is
right, it would be so easy to make money in stock market. Alas, it is never
that easy. “
“Today I closed my
short position because I would not be able to monitor it regularly, may be a
little too early and left some profits on the table, but hey, no regrets. The big game is still on and I will be there.
For now I think a bounce is brewing, which will kill few bears and trap few
more bulls.”
“However, for now when
everyone has jumped on to the bear side, I would like to step back and wait for
a while. I do not trust these bots and dark pools. Moreover, FX has not dropped
along with Apple. Euro is still above 1.2062 and AUD has not broken 1.02 yet.
They will break down very soon, but for now, the slide has halted. Short term, the indexes are over sold. This
week 173 firms representing 37% of S&P will have their ER. So caution is
warranted. “
Now you be the judge.
How do I read this market? I am just amazed that they are
able to manipulate the market so easily. As if just by mere wishing. And there
are suckers every time ECB or The Fed or their pets mention QE or some sort of
bond buying program. Or just simply says, “believe me”. We definitely are
walking on quick sand and people still fall for the same BS over and over again.

How do I invest or trade in this market? I do not invest in
this market and have been largely in cash for well over two months now. I kept writing
that preservation of capital is most important in this environment. I believe
that the fundamentals do not justify the stock market going up and requires at
least a 20% correction before we can see value again. The sovereigns are
struggling and on the verge of bankruptcy or default. The Powers That Be are
out of tools and are applying band aid after band aid and are praying each
day that passes. The markets are behaving like a terminally ill patient in ICU,
who is given blood transfusion and steroids just to keep it alive. When given
the shot, it stirs and sits up but the effects of these transfusions are
getting shorter and the patient falls back in coma shortly thereafter. At some
point, the patient will die.
Understanding that fundamental concept and knowing that
manipulators with the active backing of a corrupt governmental system are
playing havoc, will help us remain safe. But there are still people out there (
I know, I get comments and emails!) who have faith in the system, who thinks
that the market is bigger than the ability of the TBTF banks to manipulate and
those who think technical analysis alone will help them make money in this
quagmire. Even God cannot save you, guys.
You may ask, very well, now that we know that it is doomed,
why are we not short with everything or as Prechter says, short will leverage? Let
me explain that with an analogy. Its rainy season and rain is expected. The
weather man said at night that tomorrow there will be sun shine. You get up in
the morning and see that it is not raining but the sky is over cast. What do
you do? I would still take an umbrella while going out but not open it. The
situation is somewhat similar here. The dark clouds are hovering over us. The
weathermen ( B and D) are telling us that it is not going to rain and
everything will be fine. So we remain prepared for the worst but do not open
the umbrella either. I have said
repeatedly in the past, never under-estimate the power of these crooks. They
can and will distort the market in the short term. TA is powerless in the face
of these master puppeteers. But I take
my cue to get out of any short position from TA. Please don’t ask for any
particular indicator because there is none. It is a combination of many
indicators and judgment call. At the end of the day, we make the call and hope
to be lucky. When I got out of the short position on 24th July, I
was thinking maybe I got out too quickly. But I was sure of the coming squeeze
and I sent out many tweets to that effect.
So what’s next? I think the risk remains to the downside.
Against everything negative, low revenue growth, earnings call misses, global slowdown,
looming sovereign default of Eurozone countries and massive , unsustainable
debt by USA, only thing holding up the market, is the hope that Bernanke will
bring QE on August 1st. By front running QE it is making Bernanke’s
job that much difficult. When DOW is 13000, what justification can he have to
pump more money? Isn’t the QE been already priced in? Even if QE comes on 1st
August, which I doubt, how far will it push the market up when the economy is
on stall speed at 30000 ft above the ground.
Personally, I do not think we will have the QE this time. Because it
will be politically suicidal for Ben when “Audit The Fed” bill has passed
congress and the Democratic hack Chuck Schumer is openly urging him for action.
Everyone knows that Ben’s is the only game in town and Republicans will tear
into him. But It will be there before election. If what I am thinking works out
correctly, can you imagine how disappointed the market will be on August 1st?
But we cannot be certain. It is a bad
idea to gamble with the retirement savings. If we must play, then take a calculated
risk of losing a very small portion of the portfolio and try out to see what
happens. But I would advice strong risk management. Even if we miss this down opportunity, we can
be sure of the easy money opportunity coming next because then there will be QE and we can
catch the ride up risk free.
I want to emphasis that this is not the last opportunity and
if we have the power dry, (Cash) we can shoot when the ducks are in line. Right
now, they are scattered all over. If we allow our conviction and greed to
override caution, we will get hurt.
So let the markets go up for the next two days. Some
indicators are over bought, some are not. But over bought can remain over
bought for a long time and if you want to short just looking at RSI, that would
be a mistake. Wait for the short squeeze to end and momentum to fade. Above
all, just remove that “fear of missing out” from your head. If no QE 3 on
August 1st, then the road is clear for the bears.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and emails. The coming
week is also going to be tough for me but I will tweet as soon as I get an
opportunity. So join me in Twitter (@ BBFinanceblog). But the most important thing for today is to enjoy your weekend with your loved ones. Crooks and their
manipulated markets can wait.